Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Who do you prefer to be the next MM Leader? Sayumi VS Reina

The recent announcement about Morning Musume's Leader, Niigaki Risa's Graduation had shocked most of Morning Musume Fans and alongside her upcoming graduation, comes the question "Who's gonna be the next leader?" I know, it's been rumored that Sayumi will be the next but as of now, there is no confirmation of the said matter yet and even if there is, fans' opinion about this is split. While others are happy and agreeable with her being the next leader some fans prefer Reina, doubting Sayumi's maturity on handling and taking responsibility for Morning Musume and thinks that Reina could handle the position better...And it's no doubt that these girls are among the most popular members in Morning Musume and Mobekimasu...

So who's it gonna be in your opinion???

The Yankee Reina?


The narcistic Sayumi?


  1. Both! A co-leadership situation would be ideal. There are 8 new members after all.

  2. obviously the hardest vote so far ...

  3. I feel like Sayu cares more about the members but Reina has greater skills~ But for me the leader position has allways been more of a mama role, not a teacher role. So sayu :D

  4. sayumi~!!!!!! yeahhh~

  5. sayumi, she's the oldest, and she cares more about members!

  6. I love sayu but i would say Reina to this.
    Sayu is so cute and childish so if she would be the leader she would need to give up from that and that would be sad : <
    I don't say that Sayu would be bad leader nonono.

  7. Reina!
    Because she's kind of the 'most important' to the group the way that she sings the most and she's the one in the front all the time. That's what it was for Ai-chan too..

  8. Reina, no doubt.
    A leader has to have a stronger role and maturity that Sayumi just doesn't have. Known for having a tougher image and a more bad-ass attitude, Reina should receive the role.
    Plus, Sayumi has more of a supporting role in the Sayu-Reina relationship.
    On a side note: I DON'T WANT GAKI TO GO! :(

  9. Sayu b/c i fear that Reina has this bossy like aura even if i kno how much she likes to be leader

  10. Reina would be better because Sayu seems a little too carefree to be leader in my opinion.

  11. I would love to see them as co-leaders because they are complete opposites. That would make for total awesomeness. Plus, it would make Eri happy <3

  12. I think it would be perfect with Sayumi leader and Reina sub-leader. According to the rules, leader of the group should be the girl who joined in for first, and among them, the one who is older. Sayumi is older than Reina (even if the difference is small). Also, please do not judge sayumi from her cover! She has a childish character, but she is capable to keep the group toghether. Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Italy ^^" see ya!

  13. i think Sayumi just because she is the older of the two and it sticks with the whole Age-then-gen-then-age thing MM has going on.

    Think about it. Yuko was the oldest when the group started, Kaori and Natsumi were both in 1st gen but Kaori was the oldest, Then Mari, Then Yosshi, Then Miki because she was the eldest and was in H!P Longer than Aichan, Then 5th Gen took over with Aichan and now Gaki. So leadership should stick to that formula.

    Sayu might be a soft leader but she loves MM and the members so much that i believe that she will step up and teach the girls how to have an on stage/screen personality that will get people to pay attention to them.
