Friday, November 5, 2010

Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A (week of 01/10/2010)

Question: If you were to cook an original Chinese dumpling [man], what kind would you make?

Takahashi-san: Linlin man

Gaki-san: Choconuts-man. Recommended as a dessert.

Eririn: Tonjiru-man

Sayumin: Hamburger man. It sounds powerful..and plenty of meat inside..

Tanaka-san: Spam man, just because I love spam.

Mittsi: Korean style, nori-man..A collaboration of Chinese and Korean styles. Lately, I've been in love with korean nori, its level of saltiness is perfect..

Junjun: a spicy panda man..

Linlin: Linlin-man.Hahahaha.. Or maybe a shrimp & crab combination? sounds delicious right?

I haven't ate an original dumpling so I can't really tell anything about it. Reina's spam man seems a little bit, uuhhmm.. weird to me. Sayu's hamburger man makes me thought about her big appetite. Mittsi seems to be more fond of food such as what she is answering. Gaki's dumpling is a choco with nuts? haha..Eri's mentioning a soup, which is made with pork and vegetables. I wonder if how it'll taste like. Ai-chan has the same answer as Linlin. I think those things are kind of tasty. ^_^


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