- High King- 27 votes
- Zoku V-u-den- 4 votes
- Aa!- 14 votes
- ZYZ-a- 3 votes
- Shin Minimoni- 3 votes
- PetitMoni V- 7 votes
- Tanpopo#- 4 votes
High King's the winner!
Seems that the other groups have a very less votes, but goodluck to them..
I just finished the High-King banner earlier.. How does it look? :)
Anyway, the new poll will be... TADAH~~!!
Berryz Koubou or C-ute?
YES! the next poll will be "Who's Your Favorite Group?"
- Berryz Koubou
- C-ute
Don't forget to cast your vote everyone!
berryz kobo